In The Age of AI

Over the past years, AI technology or artificial intelligence has become a more integral part of society and our everyday lives. Nowadays, AI is still up and coming but soon, in the future, it will revolutionize the world. Bringing with it opportunities and social and economic development. 

So, how does it work? AI programs learn from the inputs they are given. From here, the program develops and improves its own algorithm. In other words, it mimics humans in a sense that it is trained to learn the rules of a given task as it goes. With the use of computer science programming, AI is able to imitate human action and thought by looking over data. This data also allows AI technology to learn numerous tasks and solve or anticipate problems. 

World champion Lee Sedol playing against AlphaGo
I was rather surprised to hear about how artificial intelligence was able to beat a world champion at a board game. This happened with the world's most complex board game, Go where there are more possible moves in this game then there are atoms in the universe. This game is all about strategy and was made by humans so one would think that human intelligence would go undefeated every time. It was invented in 2300 BCE by Emperor Yao who made it to teach his son discipline, concentration. and balance. In 2016, in Seoul, South Korea the match between the Go world champion Lee Sedol and Google's AI program AlphaGo would answer the question can a machine overtake human intelligence. AlphaGo was a prototype that was supposed to mimic the neural networks of the human brain. It functioned by being fed all types of Go games from which it studied and learned from them to develop its own moves. During the match, AlphaGo used creative moves that even humans had never thought of before. In the end AlphaGo won four games and Lee Sedol one. This was a monumental moment because it indicated that one type of intelligence could beat another and further pushed the idea that artificial intelligence's ability to collect vast amounts of data out did a normal humans.

Even with all the advantages that artificial programs can bring, there are still many negative implications of integrating this type of technology in our society. One of the biggest selling factors of AI is that it can cut costs for businesses because it can do jobs that would normally require multiple people but it does it quicker and more effectively. This can obviously have bad outcomes for many blue collar workers whose jobs have the potential to be overtaken by AI. I was really alarmed to find out that it is suspected that artificial intelligence may take over roughly 50% of the jobs we see today. This is a scary statistic because these are people's real jobs that pay their bills and provide for their families. One occupation that I could think of that may be affected in the future is truck drivers. Truck drivers are used to transport goods for businesses all over the country. However, with self-driving trucks becoming more and more popular, these people may find themselves without a job. The appeal to self-driving trucks comes from companies eager to cut costs and maximize efficiency like moving freight 24/7. 

“Right now, human drivers are limited to 11 hours by federal law, and a driverless truck obviously wouldn’t have that limitation”- Embark CEO Alex Rodrigues

How Artificial Intelligence is Changing The World...

Artificial intelligence in the medical field has numerous benefits. AI technology has the capability to detect relationships in datasets to treat, diagnose, and predict patient results. A big positive is that AI is like a super doctor that has all the knowledge of a real doctor and lacks the biases of a real one to possibly prevent and treat diseases and illnesses faster. 

AI is broadly used in product recommendation systems. Artificial intelligence uses algorithms to inspect existing data and create the most effective strategies to market content. This is beneficial because it helps businesses better target their audience of people who will buy what they are trying to sell rather than marketing to everyone and losing money off of buyers who aren't interested or want their certain product.



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