My Top Five Sources of News and Information

In today’s era it has become increasingly important for people to know what is going on not only around themselves, but around the world. Nowadays, it is very easy to access information and news. We see it all over social media, on TV, in magazines, or maybe even hear it from our friends and family. Thanks to the internet we have endless amounts of sources to increase our knowledge and awareness of changes in our society. Now as one can imagine, with all these options it can be hard to distinguish the good sources of information from the bad ones. 

Listed below are my top five favorite places to get news and information from…

Apple News

Starting off with number one is my personal favorite, Apple News. Apple News is an app that puts multiple news sources like blogs, magazines, newspapers, and breaking stories into one place. I find it very convenient because it's on my phone and I'm able to access it whenever I want. If I'm waiting between classes or taking studying breaks, BAMN I'm looking at Apple News to pass the time. I also like that it allows me to filter the kind of news I want. I can pick categories like sports, entertainment, or food and it'll lay out all the information pertaining to a specific category of my choosing. Overall a great app and 10/10 would recommend.


Next up is another favorite of mine, Youtube. Youtube started out as just a place to upload videos but now has grown into a good source of news that draws in audiences, in most cases better than TV networks. I feel like nowadays everyone uses Youtube for something. Whether it be to look at funny videos, listening to music, or just to watch a crash course for a topic you just don't understand, it's became a part of people's everyday lives. I personally enjoy watching news videos from here because it helps me better paint a picture of what is happening and see actual footage of things I'm interested in rather than just reading an article.


Okay okay, I know what you're thinking, not the most reliable place to get information but it still made my list and here's why. TikTok is a fairly new and upcoming social media platform that everyone nowadays is using. Very much like Apple News, TikTok is one of my most used apps on my phone. I can't help myself, I start out scrolling through one video and then another and then another until next thing I know, 2 hours have passed. While TikTok might not be the most reliable place to get information since anyone can post a video about anything with information being false or right, it still keeps me informed about certain situations. The app exposes me to information that I can then choose to dive deeper into on the internet. I love this app but defiently recommend double checking any information with another source before you deem it true.

Word of Mouth

Information comes from all sorts of interesting places. Another main place I hear my news from is from my friends and family. This is another easy way to get exposed to about topics and information you haven't heard about yet. I mean it's something everyone experiences, you're talking to your friends and they all of a sudden bring up a breaking story you haven't heard yet and BOOM now you're curious and want to know more. The only thing is be careful with this source of information too because your friends and family may not have all the details or facts about a particular topic and may lead you in the wrong direction. Always double check facts with other sources to get the whole picture.

Google News

Last but not least is Google News. Google News is another news service that dispenses a continuous flow of articles from various sources. Very much like Apple News, this is another one of my staple sources of information. Really one of the only reasons I started using Google News was because I use Google as my main search engine. I literally use it to look up any and everything, it's my favorite. So out of habit since I trust Google enough to look up homework questions or the nearest Target's directions, I also trust Google News to get my news and information from.


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