Diffusion of Innovations 

How we seek to explain how, why, and at what rate new technology and ideas are spread can be defined by Everett Rogers' theory of diffusion of innovations. The diffusion theory describes why certain technologies are adopted, not adopted, why some people are early adopters, why some people are late adopters, and why some people simply opt-out of a certain technology.

So let's try and apply this theory to Instagram...

Instagram is an app that allows its audience to share images or videos with others. Instagram caught on and spread mainly because it was something new that hadn't been done before. The app used simple features like photo sharing, liking, and commenting to draw their audience in and become hooked. So many people became early adopters of this platform due to a few factors. First, the app was free. I'm pretty sure I can speak for everyone when I say that users are always if not more willing to test out an app if it is free. I mean why waste money on something you don't know if you'll even like. The second reason being that it has a rather simple design and it is easy to navigate. Instagram really only has about 5 tabs which includes the upload page, notifications, your feed, popular page, and your profile. These factors allowed this social media platform to have skyrocketed users and downloads. 

Even with the growing popularity of Instagram, there were still some stragglers or late adopters. This was mainly in response to how new the app was and the fact that some people just didn't feel a need to have or use this particular app. Like any technology, you're always going to have those people who don't hop on the trend and don't partake in it in any way. People not adopting Instagram at all might have to with factors like it didn't benefit them at the time or that they were too young or too old to know how to effectively use it.

Whereas Instagram can be a useful resource whether it be to support your growing business or just sharing fun photos of your life, it can also have its downsides. Surprisingly enough, Instagram was found to be one of the worst social media platforms for teen's mental health and wellbeing. It has been closely associated with high levels of anxiety, bullying, and depression. This app sets unrealistic expectations especially when it comes to body types. Teens see these edited and photoshopped pictures of models, influencers, and celebrities and feel like their own bodies aren't good enough or "perfect" leading to low levels of self-esteem. Instagram can definitely be a good resource if used correctly but the key is to not get so caught up in everyone else's appearances or how they make not only themselves but also their lives out to be. Not everything you see online is necessarily true.

Some good videos on how to get the most out of your Instagram...

Some videos on the potential harm Instagram may cause...


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